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Need to locate sources for citation checks for a journal article? Start here!


1. Check to see if the University has access to the item in any format:

At the top of this page, search the catalog for e-Books and items held in print; using "Discover More" will allow you to search for everything available through both libraries.

Screenshot of website highlight search bar

2. Do you already have access to this journal?

From Electronic Resources under the STUDENTS tab, choose E-Journal Locator under the Quick Links on the left-hand side, then type the name of the journal into the search box.

Electronic Journal Search

3. Do a web search:

Many articles are freely available on the Internet, so be sure to search SSRN and Google Scholar. Additionally, HathiTrust is an invaluable resource for older materials.

4. Requesting materials through Interlibrary Loan:

If you cannot locate the source through any of these means, please contact the library to request assistance by

Please include as much information as possible about the resource you want:

When requesting books for cite checks, please include the page number(s) used in the citation. PDF scans of a few pages are easier and faster to obtain. If a source is heavily cited by an author, the entire book can be requested. Turnaround time is approximately ten working days for most items; rare items may take longer. Please be aware that while we will make every attempt to fil your request, some items are not available through ILL.