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Free Online Resources

Texas State Law Library
Provides free access to online legal resources. Must be a Texas resident to create an account.

Texas Legislative Reference Library
Provides online access to many of the resources indexed by the Legislative Reference Library of Texas. The LRL provides copies of current Bills being considered in the legislature as well as a detailed collection of the legislative history of Texas laws.

Texas Courts Online
Contains links to Texas court cases as well as a wealth of information of the Texas judicial system.

Texas Legislature Online
Links to current legislative information, session activity, etc.

Texas Statutes
Texas Constitution and Statutes as amended through 2023.

Texas Register
A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn, and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals.

Texas Administrative Code
A compilation of all state agency rules in Texas.

Texas Secretary of State
Texas administrative regulations are here as well as filings of Texas corporations and other business entities.