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Skell Library


Checkout Policies

Borrower Classifications and Loan Periods

The primary patron groups of the Law Library are St. Mary's University law students and law faculty. St. Mary's University faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, law firm librarians, attorneys, paralegals, law school graduates and the general public may also use the law library to conduct legal research.

  • Law School Faculty may check out standard circulating materials for an unlimited period of time.
  • St. Mary's University Faculty may check out items for 30 days.
  • St. Mary's University law students have a 28 day (4 week) check-out time period for standard circulating materials.
  • Graduate and undergraduate students have a 14 day (2 week) check-out time period for standard circulating materials.
  • Members of the public are not allowed to borrow materials.


Item Classifications

The law library houses different classes of materials that patrons may check-out. These different classes of materials call for different lending periods.

Law General Collection 21 day checkout Unlimited
Law Reserve Collection 4 hour checkout 4 hour checkout
DVD Collection 3 day checkout 3 day checkout


Renewals and Fines

Users are allowed one renewal per circulation period as long as items are not wanted by another patron. Reserve items can be checked out for 4 hours. There will be no extensions or renewals allowed on Reserve Items.

Items overdue for more than 3 weeks are deemed lost. The replacement cost for a lost item is the dollar amount of the item plus a $25 replacement fee. Payments for fines and lost books are accepted at the Law Library Circulation Desk, or you may pay your fine online. If you are not sure of your fine amount, call the Law Library Circulation Desk at (210) 436-3435 or log into your Library Account.    

Law General Collection $0.25 per item per day
Law Reserve Collection $0.50 per item per HOUR
Law Audiovisual Collection $1.00 per item per day


Non-Circulating Items

The following items are do not circulate and are only for use on the library premises:

  • Loose-leaf materials
  • Serials
  • Journals
  • Primary legal materials (reporters, code books, etc.)
  • Reference books


Contact Us

Please contact the circulation desk if you have any questions regarding these policies or would like an answer to a question not addressed in the policies.

Phone: (210) 436-3435. Email: