If you are looking for legal assistance, you may try contacting the following resources in the San Antonio area.
The Law Library cannot provide legal advice or assistance.
San Antonio Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service: (210) 227-1853
For more information: https://www.salawhelp.org/
State Bar of Texas Law Referral Service: 1-800-252-9690
For more information: http://www.texasbar.com/lris
St. Mary’s Center for Legal and Social Justice: (210) 431-2596
For more information: https://law.stmarytx.edu/academics/special-programs/clinics/
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid: 1-888-988-9996 or (210) 212-3700 to apply for services or for general information.
For more information: http://www.trla.org/get-help/do-i-qualify
San Antonio Community Law Center: (210) 271-9595