The Law Library offers digital access to a wide array of electronic databases and other digital materials. Please visit our databases page for a more complete list. Additionally, you may search for the electronic availability of any publication by searching with Discover.
We offer extensive training for research assistants, and we also provide research support through the Dean's Research Fellows cohort. To request training or research assistance, please contact Casilyn "Casi" Lewis.
We are happy to provide individualized training to faculty members on any of our electronic databases, from a brief intro to more in-depth instruction for specialized research. Please contact the Law Library if you are interested in a training session.
The Law Library maintains the Law School's extensive contributions to the Digital Commons at St. Mary's University, an online repository showcasing scholarly research, journal publications, and creative works produced by and for the St. Mary's community. We make every effort to upload all current faculty scholarship, so please let the Law Library know when you have published a new article or book by contacting Professor Stacy Fowler. Additionally, complete runs of the law school's student-led journals are available for research purposes:
The Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice