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Further Resouces

Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL)
This association’s members provide advice to lawyers on legal ethics issues, defend lawyers in discipline matters or civil malpractice cases, act as expert witnesses, teach professional responsibility courses in law schools, and perform ethics-related functions in law firms. The site includes ethics news and events, legal advice and services in all aspects of legal ethics.

Ethics in America Video Series
This series uses the Socratic method to build analytical skills and examine ethical questions. The programs aim to sharpen moral reasoning without favoring a particular position by exploring ethical dilemmas in legal, political, medical, corporate, and military arenas.

Legal Innovation Regulatory Survey
This website explains the differences in the adoption of ABA rules by state. Site visitors can select a state to view and the website will then take them to another page explaining the difference(s) in the proposed rule by the ABA and the rule adopted in the state.

Ohio Legal Ethics Law under the Rules of Professional Conduct
This resource is geared toward people doing research on the law of lawyering in Ohio.

St. Mary’s University – Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics
This webpage directs site visitors to the St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics, created and curated by St. Mary’s University scholars and staff.

Unlocking Legal Regulation Knowledge Center
The Knowledge Center, from the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver, is designed to be an up-to-date resource with current state recommendations, ongoing scholarship, and additional resources for those exploring how unlocking legal regulation can be achieved. This webpage focuses on Utah, California, Arizona, and the Chicago Bar Foundation. Links to regulations in foreign jurisdictions such as England, Wales, Australia and Canada are also listed.