The Law School Labyrinth by Steven R. SedberryCall Number: KF 284 .S43 2009, located with the Popular Reading Collection in the First Floor Reading Room
ISBN: 9781427799586
Publication Date: 2009
Law school can be an expensive, time-consuming, and frequently exhausting experience. Students must hit the ground running. Law School Labyrinth acts as a road map to the entire law school experience – from admissions to graduation and beyond. Steven Sedberry examines popular law student misconceptions and helps readers understand the primary objectives of law school. Following his “been there, done that” advice, students will learn how to read legal opinions, participate in Socratic dialogue, and assimilate and retain information necessary to succeed on law school exams. Going beyond the classroom, the book provides information on summer clerkships and career advice. Law School Labyrinth is the consummate blueprint for all three years of law school.